"Taking from the higher-incomes to give it to the lower incomes may be negative utility as the higher incomes are valuing their loss at an exaggerated rate (it’s a loss), while the lower income recipients under value it...
...if your utility function is heavily rank-based (a standard left-wing view) and you accept loss-aversion from the behavioral literature, then social mobility is suspect from an utility point-of-view."Tyler Cowen made a similar point a few years ago, arguing that "For a given level of income, if some are moving up others are moving down... More upward — and thus downward — relative mobility probably means less aggregate happiness, due to habit formation and frame of reference effects."
I don't think loss aversion, habit formation, and the like make a strong case against (or for) redistribution or social mobility, but I do think Coelho has a point that economists need to watch out for our own confirmation bias when we go pointing out other behavioral biases to support our favorite policies. Simply appealing to behavioral economics, in general, or to loss aversion or any number of documented decision-making biases, rarely makes a strong case for or against broad policy aims or strategies. The reason is best summarized by Wolfgang Pesendorfer in "Behavioral Economics Comes of Age":
Behavioral economics argues that economists ignore important variables that affect behavior. The new variables are typically shown to affect decisions in experimental settings. For economists, the difficulty is that these new variables may be unobservable or even difficult to define in economic settings with economic data. From the perspective of an economist, the unobservable variable amounts to a free parameter in the utility function. Having too many such parameters already, the economist finds it difficult to utilize the experimental finding.All economic models require making drastic simplifications of reality. Whether they can say anything useful depends on how well they can capture those aspects of reality that are relevant to the question at hand and leave out those that aren't. Behavioral economics has done a good job of pointing out some aspects of reality that standard models leave out, but not always of telling us exactly when these are more relevant than dozens of other aspects of reality we also leave out without second thought. For example, "default bias" seems to be a hugely important factor in retirement savings, so it should definitely be a consideration in the design of very narrow policies regarding 401(K) plan participation, but that does not mean we need to also include it in every macroeconomic model.
Their loss aversion point is nothing compared to decreasing marginal utility, and way more people. If you shift $98 billion from the Koch brothers leaving them with just a mere $1 billion each, is this loss to them in utility, even including loss aversion, anything compared to the gain to giving close to a 1 million of the poorest people $100,000, or spending that $100,000/each on Heckman-style early human development, and other investments, in their children.
ReplyDeleteBut a big point too is future generations. If there is some loss aversion to breaking incredible income inequality, it's a one-time loss aversion, and then all future generations don't have to suffer the same horrendous income inequality. I'm sure there was a lot of loss aversion to King George and his court when the United States freed itself from England, but I think that was just a little outweighed by the benefits to the colonists and all of their descendants.
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شركة صقور الجزيرة هي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في مجال شفط مياه الصرف في المملكة العربية السعودية. تتمتع الشركة بسمعة طيبة وخبرة عميقة في هذا المجال، حيث تقدم خدمات شفط وتنظيف مجاري الصرف بأعلى معايير الجودة والكفاءة.
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تلتزم شركة حور كلين بالتزامات الصحة والسلامة والبيئة في جميع عمليات التنظيف، مما يجعلها الخيار المثالي للعملاء الذين يبحثون عن خدمة شركة تنظيف خزانات بالرياض الموثوقة والمحترفة .
ReplyDeleteنظافة المياه أمر حيوي لصحة وسلامة الأفراد والمجتمعات، وتعد شركة "كلين بيور" الرائدة في مجال تنظيف الخزانات في دبي وذلك من خلال تقديم خدمات متخصصة وعالية الجودة.
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توفر شركة التفاؤل أفضل وأحدث الأجهزة الخاصة بتجهيز المكيفات كما نحرص على شراء مكيفات مستعملة بالخرج وتقديم الخصومات الإضافية المتاحة.
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شركة النور هي شركة رائدة في مجال تسليك المجاري بالضغط باستخدام أحدث التقنيات والمعدات في الدمام والمناطق المجاورة. تعتبر خدماتنا حلاً فعالاً لمشاكل الانسدادات في الأنابيب والمجاري، حيث نسعى جاهدين لتقديم خدمات عالية الجودة وفعالة لعملائنا.
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شركة "ماستر كلين" تعتبر واحدة من أفضل شركات التنظيف في تبوك، حيث تتميز بالمهنية والجودة في خدماتها. افضل شركة تنظيف بتبوك تقدم مجموعة واسعة من خدمات التنظيف للمنازل والمنشآت التجارية، مما يشمل تنظيف الأرضيات، والسجاد، والمفروشات، والنوافذ، والحمامات، والمزيد.